
In 2018 we've added to our greeting card ranges to ensure there's something unique for your customers to fall in love with, laugh at, get inspired by, celebrate a birthday, an anniversary or a wedding, get comforted by or say thank you. We have a

Celebrating 30 Years
2018 is the beginning of a new era, a chance for us to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future with unbridled passion and excitement. Affirmations are celebrating 30 years!

10 Years with Twigseeds
It's been ten years since Twigseeds and Affirmations joined forces. The partnership has proved to be a match made in heaven. We caught up with Kate Knapp for a quick chat about a decade of spreading the word.

3 spiritual books our boss loves
Dan Maher has been in the business of publishing spiritual books, gifts and cards for more than 30 years. He's definitely read an inspiring book or two! We asked him for his three favourite spiritual books.

It's business As Unusual
Where is everyone? The warehouse team are still hard at it safely picking, packing and getting your orders out. The rest of us are at home, eating chocolates and playing with our jigsaw puzzles. Only joking, we're not playing with our jigsaw puzzles.

Best birthday card messages: What to Write
So, you bought a birthday card. Your pen is poised, ready to write something fabulously wise or funny, and you go blank. It happens. Suddenly you're under pressure, and you go for the old "Happy Birthday, have a great day"!

2 spiritual books that changed our GM's life
Rod Macpherson, Affirmations General Manager, is passionate about the values that underpin our business: positivity, growth, sustainability and making a difference in how business operates. As a person who walks his talk, we asked him which spiritual book

Conspiracy theorists and mainstream muggles: how to stay friends when you find yourself worlds apart
Have you lost some friends over the last few years? Sadly, most of us have. And it’s not like most of us can afford to lose them. But how do you bridge the widening gap before it's too late?

Birthday card messages that will make you smile laugh and be happy
Smile, and the whole world smiles with you. Laughter is the best policy. Even the Dali Lama, who loves receiving birthday cards (an official lie or not), had this to say, "The purpose of our lives is to be happy."

5 Reasons We Still Buy Paper Calendars
With everything at our fingertips, our lives have been sped up to supersonic. So, going slow, and being mindful is making a comeback. People are seeking a slower, more tactile life, the good old life that desk diaries and annual wall calendars provide.

Australian Greeting Cards
All of our products, including greeting cards, are developed, designed and produced locally in Australia. Our Australian greeting card designers include Kate Knapp and Jane Walsh in Queensland and Cate Edwards in Western Australia.

3 reasons to keep reading spiritual books after lockdown
Books to help you through lockdown are so important - they can take you to places you may never visit and give you an insider's look at the lives of people with who you will never cross paths.