Great Koala National Park
Let's Make it Happen
Our Koalas urgently need your help.
The Australian Government has now officially listed the Koala as an endangered species in Queensland, New South Wales, and the Australian Capital Territory. Without more vital protection, koala populations along our east coast are sliding towards extinction.
The Great Koala National Park would be the world's first national park dedicated to protecting the world's favourite animal! It's a grand vision to add 175,000 hectares of publicly owned forests currently being unsustainably logged to existing protected areas. This will form a 315,000-hectare reserve in the Coffs Harbour hinterland.
How You Can Help Save Koalas
Buy any Affirmations product below to help raise funds to make the Great Koala National Park happen.
Why Do We Need A Koala National Park?
In 2019-20, bushfires were estimated to have killed 71% of Koalas on the North Coast, and global warming makes fires more likely in the future. In fact, Koala numbers plummeted by a third in the 20 years between 1990 and 2010. That is only three Koala generations! We must take action now, not wait for numbers to dwindle further. The Great Koala National Park will protect our national icon.
Currently, most Koalas in NSW live outside of protected areas. The big problem for Koalas is that they like the same places humans do – and we humans aren't great at living with other species. The most productive Koala habitat is generally found on the more fertile coastal soils. But that's the areas preferred for houses, agriculture and logging too.
How the Koala Park Will Help
The first step to protecting any species is protecting its habitat, and this is precisely what the Great Koala National Park will do. Environment groups, Koala carers and government scientists have all identified these logged forests as being excellent Koala habitats.
The new reserve would connect and restore forests and link lowland coastal forests to higher elevation escarpment forests. Koalas will be free to move through high-quality habitats in response to extreme weather events driven by global heating. This will maximise their chances of survival in an uncertain future.
Is It Just About Koalas?
Not at all. The Great Koala National Park won't just benefit Koalas; it will help all animals that need mature forests and big trees. This includes species like spotted-tail quolls, powerful owls, glossy black cockatoos and greater gliders.
Humans need mature forests and giant trees too! Stopping logging will allow forests to grow older and trees to grow bigger, which will increase carbon stores and help fight global warming.
Protected areas are a significant driver of regional economies and attract visitors. The Great Koala National Park will become a playground for humans with long bushwalks, secret swimming holes and mountain bike tracks, as well as a Koala Hospital and public access to view Koalas, hopefully with some babies to warm our hearts.
Show Your Support
Join the growing number of people who want to see our national icon protected now and for future generations. Purchase some products to show you care.

How can we help save the koalas?
The 2020 NSW Parliamentary inquiry found that without serious intervention, koalas could become extinct in this state by 2050. That's a horrifying thought, and it's time to do something about it.